Welcome to Lost Cinemas!
I'm Mark, a former Des Moines resident, and I've been collecting materials about all the neighborhood and downtown movie theatres of old Des Moines, and am now putting together a short 22-minute documentary about them.
As I assemble the movie, I'll be posting bits and pieces of the work in progress, as well as various items from my collection that I think you will find as fascinating as I do. Please let me know if you have any materials, stories, memories, anything regarding the vanished theatres--if it's something I don't have that fits the program, I'll be happy to discuss inclusion of the material into the film itself.
The picture above is a giveaway "lobby card" I've been including in the promo packs I mail out--the picture in the middle is a frame from the main title I have animated, which can be better seen in the preproduction trailer I've assembled to promote the project--check out a small Quicktime of it at:
You'll be hearing a lot more about the project as time rolls along, so please join the blog and check back often! Thanks.
Nice Mark. What a great way to exhibit your work. I'm a big fan my friend. It's nice to see what you can cook up with basically nothing. What a talent!!!
Mark, you're just an amazingly talented person and this project is SUCH a cool idea!! Congrats, it's neat watching the collection go up gradually.
- Jaye
There is another lost theater in Des Moines that I'd like to know more about. I don't know what it's name was... but it was on the corner of East 9th and Hull. The building still stands, and you can tell it once was a theater. I am not sure what it is now, but think it once was a student bookstore for closeby Grandview College. I lived in the area as a kid, and it was never a theater while i was there, mid 60's. I also wished to learn more about the Hiland Theater on Euclid near 6th Avenue. LOVE this kind of history. I worked in theaters all during high school.. (75 thru 78) and remember theater life before the multi-plexes.
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