Here's an item that's not yet ascertained as being in a Lost Cinema--but it seems very likely: labeled as "The Derby Show '36", with the tag line "We're in the Money" from the popular song of the same name, these 3 couples are shown on the boards of...what? It appears to be backstage somewhere, but it's very hard to tell from the out-of-focus, tentlike setup in the background. And the outfits suggest...dancing? Acrobatics? What? I have no idea, and can't find any record on the internet of what the Derby Show may have been. (If anyone has any clues, please write!)
According to the back of the photo, the couples are: Dimples and Chet Naylor, Adele Keller and Bobby Bloom, Edith Fowler and Earl Clark.
It looks like there are several possibilities - I'm guessing it's related to animals (possibly swine) at the State Fair. There is something called the "feeder pig derby show" and the surroundings look sort of "state fair temporary" in nature to me - plus the summer clothing contributes a little. Possible money was the prize for the derby winner, hence "we're in the money"? Love the rolled-tops look of Earl's socks... LOL Not sure, neat picture though! Hope all's well with you, great to see you post something! ~ Jaye
Does anyone know where Earl Clark came from originally? Looks like my grandpa ... he was in roller derby and latter vaudevile
sorry left this out ...
This is my grandfather (Earl Clark)... he can fill you in on all the details ... how would you like the information?
Yes, please have him explain this mysterious photo! I'm curious to see if Janet's suspicions are correct.
Also: let me know if he/you would like a copy of the photo.
Do you want to call him? He loves to talk ... 94 yrs old
If so, send me an email ... I'll give you his number
Here's the skinny ...
-It was a heal & toe derby
--Kind of like roller-derby
--Had a villain, comedian, ...
-These couple took 1st-3rd place
-My grandfather went from here to vaudeville
--Work with Red Skelton ...
-His great granddaughter is Annaleigh Ashford who plays the lead in Wicked on Broadway
Where was this photo taken?
The picture was taken in a circus tent outside Des Moines ...
-According to my grandfather there was a huge storm that took down the tent a few nights before the picture was taken
Chet Naylor was also a local guy. His hair is mentioned on page 53 - Des Moines column of the June 17, 1939 Boxoffice Magazine. On that page also is a story about the premier of the movie 'Career' to be in DM. DM native Raymond Hatton was in the movie.
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