As far as Lost Cinemas go, it ain't much--I don't even have the exact dates when this was opened and closed, though I think it's safe to say Sometime In The 70s to Sometime In The 90s. This was typical of the boxy, nondescript mall multiplexes that began to plague the scene after the Golden Era ended.
This telop slide design suggests there was something ornate and Roman about the Forum's architecture--but tain't so. About the only thing it had in common with ancient Rome is--it fell!
I snuck into see my first R rated movie at the Forum 4. Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I was 12 and my friends Mom worked there. We would go to work with her and watch movies free all day. Nickelodeon was right across the hall and we spent lots of time there too.
I can remember a few fake roman statuary and some furn plants at the forum. It was certainly an ugly duckling. Although having Nickelodeon next door was great!
Nice to see you back!
I just want too take some time too Thank all the people for doing what you do and making the community what it is im a long time reader and first time poster so i just wanted to say thanks.
I remember going to the Forum IV when it first opened. The three memories I have from the Forum IV is seeing Jaws in theatre III, falling asleep during The Little Princess, and finally, the screens hung from the ceilings. Though it's been many years, I remember that the screens were very very small - not much bigger than the wide screen television screens today.
Wasn't Felix and Oscars in that same building?
I also remember a Circuit City type place there as well that was notorious for Bait and Switch ads in the Register.
I remember seeing Jurassic Park there in 93, so it was open at least that long.
I think the Circuit City type store was Best Buy. It was the first one I remember in town (but I could be wrong).
it was the Forum IV, Felix and Oscars and Nicklodeon. I lived near Merle Hay in the mid 70-to early 80 and at the time was in Jr and Sr high. Those three places were our main hangouts. Eat pizza, see a movie and play games till a parent picked everyone up
Polk County tax records show the building (4080 Merle Hay Road) as being built in 1973 and remodeled in 1999 (must have been when it was converted to present retail space).
Actually it was a Best Buy for most of the 90's so the theater must have closed in the late late 80's or the very very beginnings of the 90's
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