Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Razing of the Amuz-U

On East Locust, what's left of the Amuz-U is razed in the mid-1990s. This is a recent animation I did, made from a friend's photograph, which I'm hoping to shoehorn into the "Desolation" segment of the film. My secret wish: that a demolition photo with that horrible aluminum siding removed so we can see if the original archway was still there...


Blues Historian said...

Glad to see the project is still going on! I am glad my friends down at the historical building have been such a big help. I am not sure if you looked at the DePatten collection that makes up most of the center street display. They have a lot of posters made by DePatten's father in the archive that advertise events at the Lincoln theater.


Blues Historian said...

Found some pictures on the lost des moines facebook page.

Looking forward to your movie.

Tom Gary